DRISI Research Connection Webinar:
Fish Passage Engineering Research
(Dr. M. Lang & M. Love)
(H. Goss, C. Callahan,
N. Scholz, T. Bush,
S. Pietzold, T. Dreisbach& J. Dreier)
FishPAC Connectivity Case Studies
Salsipuedes Creek
& Little Lost Man Creek
Presentation (PDF)
(S. Sandstrom &
S. Leroy)
Enhancing Wildlife Connectivity on the State Highway System
(R. Abrams)
Fundamentals of Assessing Noise & Vibration Environmental Impacts Related to Bridge Construction
(B. Rymer)
Hydroacoustics & Biological Evaluation of Bridge Foundations
(M. Molnar)
Fish Passage Restoration
& Permitting Presentation
HREA LWD Project Size Calculating LWD
Presentation (PDF)
(B. Henderson, J. Shannon
& M. Wieland)
FishPAC Connectivity Case Study Webinar Presentation for Deer Creek Irrigation Dam & Dunn Creek
Presentation (PDF)
(K. Pepper, B. Cook &
A. McEwen)
FishPAC Connectivity Case Studies
for Cedar Creek, Quiota Creek Restoration, and Refugia Road & Twin & Ditch Gulches
Presentation (PDF)
(K. Pepper, T. Robinson
& E. Rulison)
A Toolbox for Fish Passage Engineering
Presentation (PDF)
CDFW CA Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual
(M. Love, Michael Love & Assoc., Inc.)
Cultural Resources & Fish Passage Delivery
Presentation (PDF)
(C. Caputo, S. Allred,
A. Asaro & H. Blackmore)
Fort Goff Creek Bridge - Lessons Learned
(D. Willis, D. Mellon, W. Stroud, & B. Ditzler)
Design and analysis of Channel Restoration Features in Confined Urban Rivers
(N Holste, US BOR)
Biological Basics
Bridges and Biology (M. Molnar)
Basic Bridge Components
Bridge Basics (R. Stiltz)
Geotechnical Investigations and Engineering
Geotechnical Investigations and Foundation Design at Geotechnical Services (H. Valencia)
In-Channel Geology
Geologic and Geomorphic Considerations for Road-Stream Crossings (J. Wesling)
Fluvial Geomorphology
Fluvial Geomorphology Considerations for Channel and Habitat Restoration Related to Road/Stream Crossings (J. Wooster)
Accelerated Bridge Construction
Environmental Advantages of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) (D. Mellon)
Hydraulic and Fish Passage Engineering
Hydraulic and Fish Passage Engineering (J. Mann, B. Ditzler)
Threatened and Endangered Species
Threatened and Endangered Species (M. Grefsrud)
Bats and Bridges
Bats and Bridges - Looking for Silhouettes in the Shadows (G. Erickson)
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge - Case Study
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Seismic Safety Project (S. Galvez, B. Maroney)